2011 commodores erne boat rally

erne boat rally online entry

1. All boats taking part in the Rally MUST fly the official 2015 Erne Rally Burgee.

2. No flags are to be flown during the Rally, with the exception of the Erne Flag and Burgees.

3. No boats will be allowed to sail with the Rally unless having secured an entry number. This rule will have to be fully enforced at insistence of Insurer’s.

4. The official number given to each boat must be prominently displayed. Your number is on the outside of your Rally Instructions and there is a spare copy in the envelope. Please put a number on each side of your boat.

5. The committee warns all entrants that anyone repeatedly causing excessive wash in the vicinity of moored boats, particularly at meal times, will be disqualified from the Rally.

6. The Inland Waterways Association, it’s Officials, The Rally Committee and all concerned with the conduct of the Rally, accept no responsibility in respect of accidents to, or caused by any Rally Entrants, his/her representative, passengers, crew or boat. Neither do they accept any responsibility for the correctness or otherwise of visual markers or buoy on the Waterway

erne boat rally online entry

the erne river photos